Optimizing Ownership Cost Through Logistics Support Analysis (LSA)
With a dedicated Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) Department, IMP Aerospace's team of specialists are able to use the latest software tools and techniques to efficiently conduct LSA engineering services for both military and commercial customers.

With the aim of optimizing ownership costs and maximizing operational availability for our customers, our breadth of experience in LSA services is at the heart of what we do. Some of our Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) services include:
- Reliability Centered Maintenance
- Reliability, Availability and Maintainability In-service Support
- Life Cycle Cost Management
- MSG 3 and Maintenance Optimization
- Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS)
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
- Obsolescence Management and Sparing Analysis
- Logistics Support Analysis Record (LSAR) Development
- Design Validation
- Preventive Maintenance Development and Rationalization
- Maintenance Task Rationalization
Accreditations & Certifications
- MIL-STD 1388-2B
- MIL-STD 1629
- GEIA-STD-0007
- OmegaPS OSAM
- Omega PS Functional RCM V18.1
- MIL-HDBK-217
- MIL-HDBK-502
- DoD 5000.1 The Defense Acquisition System
- MIL-STD 1388-SB
- DEF STAN 00-60 Issue 3
- OmegaPS Analyzer R4.4
- ISO/IEC 15288
- S2000M
- OmegaPS Analyzer R4.4
- DLIS (Defence Logistics Information Services)
- CGCM (Canadian Government Catalogue of Material)
- MIL-STD 1388-2B
- MIL-STD 1390
- MIL-STD 2173 (AS)
- S2000M
- SAE JA1012
- S1000D