IMP Aerospace & Defence Statement regarding COVID-19
Posted: March 20, 2020 Category: News At IMP Aerospace & Defence, the health and well-being of our employees, partners, customers and communities is our top priority. The Company’s response to the evolving threat of COVID-19 is driven by our Business Continuity Planning process and is aligned with recommendations from the Government of Canada. Key elements of our response includes:
- Company travel will be avoided wherever possible;
- Visits to company/customer facilities will be limited to only those deemed absolutely necessary;
- Where employees have travelled abroad, the Company requires that they follow government guidance to self-isolate for 14 days;
- Where employees have come into contact with people confirmed to have tested positive for COVID-19 or display symptoms thereof, they must follow government guidance regarding self-isolation for 14 days;
- Additional hand sanitization stations have been made available in common areas; and
- Additional management direction and associated signage has been put in place and reinforced to remind employees and visitors of government recommendations on social distancing and personal hygiene methods to prevent spread of the virus.
IMP Aerospace & Defence recognizes the dynamic nature of both the evolving status of COVID-19 across the globe as well as the Government of Canada’s guidance with respect to mitigation of its effects. IMP will continue to align its operations with the latest Government information and recommendations and provide updates as necessary.